
Day 2 of 30

2 min readApr 2, 2024
A woman in a lake
Photo by Mike van den Bos on Unsplash

Prompt for Day 2: RENEW

Summer scorched relentlessly,
Monsoon failed to soothe her soul.
Autumnal whispers faded fast,
December left a gaping hole.

Life, once familiar, now foreign terrain,
Thus begins a journey to break the chain.
A new city beckons, a fresh start awaits,
Yet she finds herself alone, staring at the gates.

Beginnings are daunting,
Yet amid the fear and chaos,
Embraced by kindred spirits,
She felt her spirit stir, her essence anew.

I’m attempting to write a poem a day based on the April prompts by The Alipore Post on Instagram. Feel free to join in if something catches your fancy, here is the list:

Screenshot of the April Prompts from the Alipore Post on Instagram.

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I write about food, love, relationships and things that matter to me. All things Words excite me. Twitter @EyeshaBee